Tuesday, September 28, 2010

5 Perkara II

  1. Amazingly, i feel nothing. Weirdly, I care no more.
  2. Jetlag tak habis habis lagi.
  3. Macam susah je nak dapat evaluation tinggi untuk O & G. Sape suruh tak participate kan.
  4. Ya aku perasan tentang hal itu, and I feel bad about it. Real bad.
  5. Terlalu banyak untuk disyukuri. Untuk hari ini, terima kasih Tuhan untuk buah pisang yang sedap tadi. Alhamdulillah.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

5 Perkara

1. Ayah adalah orang yang paling paling penyabar pernah aku jumpa.

2. Myvi & Avanza :D

3. Kenduri kahwin dah dekat. Makin sibuk nampaknya.

4. Rasa macam dah rindu Jordan tapi takmau tinggalkan Malaysia lagi. Isk isk.

5. Congratulations! Selamat Pengantin Baru!! [to my kawan, junior dan kakak kakak] :D

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dari Hati II

"My dear heart,
Never think you are better than others.
Listen to their sorrows with compassion.

If you want peace,
Don't harbour bad thoughts,
Do not gossip,
And don't teach what you do not know."
[Maulana Rumi]

Thursday, September 2, 2010

One More Time

That's the problem with us.
We're stubborn asses and always want to get our way.
We hate to be wrong and love to be right.
But that's the thing about love.
No matter what happens,
we always come back for each other,
one more time;
- The Notebook