I was planning to update my blog 2 days ago..
Unfortunately , I wrote my entry half way...
Not because I'm lacking of ideas but my headache was getting worst.
I cant even looked up at the screen..
I absent for 2 days... +_____+
Unwell mode ---> fever + cough + sore throat + flu + headache
Night before I got all these symptoms..
I was hugely frustrated..
I'm very very frustrated...
I tried not to burst out during my class..
Acting cool like an idiot..
Is damn hard to pretend everything seems fine..
Oh God....
And may be due to my unstable emotion that night..
Came the 'adek beradek' (cek fever + cough +sore throat +flu + headache) uninvitedly ...
But lucky me to have such a great supporters..
My family and friends...
Words from my friends....
'' Janganlah bersedih pada yang sedikit kerana yang sedikit datang bersamanya kesejahteraan"
For some reasons..this msg makes my mind widely open..
What's the point put myself in grief and misery..
"Hidup turun nek nie kan biser dee~ "
Thanks bro !!!
But frankly speaking... I'm still in sorrow... ;(
Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in awhile, so that we can see life with a clearer view again....
Get well soon dear.. Mountains of notes are waiting for u..
p/s = The climb
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