Wednesday ( 3/2/2010)
Today wasn’t my lucky day I guess..
A lot of things happened today..
I felt upside down..
My feeling twisted around..
I laughed like a mad person..
I felt sad..
I felt angry..
I felt stupid..
I felt ashamed..
My day started as usual…
I went to King Abdullah University Hospital , took history from patient, wondering around while waiting for the doctor in charged.
The doctor came at 1030 a.m ( a little bit late ) ..
Today he took my Arabic friend’s case.
It was about Thrombocytopenia so we went to see the patient.
While discussing about the case all of the sudden the doctor informed us about our previous patient..
An old man patient who was suffering of massive bleeding and severe abdominal pain..
We met him 2 days ago..On that day, he vomited fresh blood in front of us..
For once , I shocked and speechless. (my 1st experience)
Hurmmm…sadly the doctor told us that the patient had passed away..
That bad new caused my forehead to wrinkle like a lizard’s elbow.
He was diagnosed to have duodenal aortic fistula.. (the doc said the disease was rare to be happened)
Things happen for reasons.. Allah knows better.. he plans what best for us.. but to achieve it we have to work hard..not just simply sit and surrender like a coward..
Future isn’t set in a stone..
We have to seek for the answers that might lead us to success ..
Back to our Thrombocytopenia patient..
The doctor asked us 1 by 1 to examine the patient.
I was asked to do the bimanual kidney palpation..
After examined that patient , suddenly my laughter bursted out..
I truly don’t know what came over me..
I acted without thinking of the consequences..
Guess what???? I had been chased out by the doctor.. ( Leave~!!! )
Actually my behaviour was unforgivable.. (I’m sorry doc. It wasn’t my intention to make u angry )
Then I grabbed my bag and left..
This unfortunate incident had spoiled my whole day..
Home …..
I tried thousand of times to connect to my internet..
But it kept failing..
Seriously it was really boiling me up.. GOSSHHH~!!!!
Luckily after 2 hours the internet started to work or else my laptop might crashed into two…
Once again I was being tested..
This time..i failed to download my lecturer note from Sawa..
Then I tried to log in my blog.. whatt?????? Incorrect password???
What the h*** ~!!!! How come I forgot my own password….
It drove me crazy.. +____+
Thanks a lot…
-the end-
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